Representing Sweden’s third largest industry
The Swedish Food Federation (Livsmedelsföretagen) is an employer and industry organization for companies that produce food and drink in Sweden. We work to ensure that our member companies are characterized by high reputation and diversity, and have good growth, profitability and competitiveness.
The Swedish Food Federation (Livsmedelsföretagen) has about 800 member companies representing all types of food companies – small and large, with Swedish and foreign owners, family-owned, agricultural cooperatives and others. Their common denominator is that they produce food and drink in Sweden.
The Swedish Food Federation safeguards and promotes the member companies’ common interests in terms of employer and industry-specific issues.
The Swedish Food Federation is a member of the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) and FoodDrinkEurope. The Board of the Federation consists of representatives of the member companies, under the chairmanship of Sofie Eliasson Morsink. The Director General is Björn Hellman.
Facts about Sweden’s food industry
- Third largest industry in Sweden (production value, number of employees)
- Industry turnover: 200 billion SEK
- Export: 65 billion SEK
- Number of companies: Approximately 3 000 active companies
- Number of employees: Approximately 55 000
Sustainability Manifesto
The manifesto, launched in 2019, contains five undertakings in the field of sustainability that members of the Swedish Food Federation can sign up for. So far, almost 90 member companies – which together constitute the greater part of the Swedish food industry – have committed to the manifesto.
How we work to improve public health
In this brochure we present the Swedish Food Federation’s and our members’ approach to working with food and health. It summarises our points of view, highlights a number of key issues and presents some of the many initiatives and activities that the industry and companies are working with in the field of food and health.
Contact information
Head office
Visting adress: Storgatan 19, Stockholm
Postal address: Li Service AB, Box 55680, SE-102 15 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46 8 762 65 00
Press contact

Daniel är presschef på Livsmedelsföretagen. Förutom att vara huvudsaklig kontaktperson gentemot media så ansvarar Daniel även för ett flertal av Livsmedelsföretagens externa kommunikationskanaler. Han arbetar löpande med krishantering, rådgivning till medlemsföretag, budskapsformulering och skribentuppdrag samt externa aktiviteter som t ex Matdagen och Almedalen. Daniel har arbetat med kommunikation sedan 2007 och dessförinnan jobbade han i fyra år på Utrikesdepartementet. Daniel har en pol. mag. med statsvetenskaplig inriktning.